


Are you feeling Yin or are you feeling Yang?

Doesn’t matter as you can buy one of each for whichever mood, you’re in  ☯️

The never ending stairway to make fat cry, aka sweat.

Compare similar products at $6000+ Buy ours for ONLY $4750.00

Included is local curbside delivery, pls inquire for a custom install quote if needed.
You’ll also get 5 yrs parts & labour warranty

The CM 3028D Stepmill is one tough cookie yet simple to use and manufactured in the same factory as the well-known Life Fitness brand.  Same quality materials just at an affordable price.

A previous demo was installed at the Sparwood Fire Department, so if it can handle a calendar full of firefighters it can handle anyone!!  User max allowance is 450 Lbs so take you and an SCBA strapped to your back and this unit still purrs.

If you know Stair Climbers you know.  If you don’t know, you will.  This unit makes fat cry, aka sweat.

Boasting a 15” easy to read display yet sports the important features.

Adjust your SPEED, follow your PROGRAMS, log your HEART RATE

If making fat cry ain’t enough, these units are great for low impact, so easy on the joints.

Specs: L-57″,  W-32″,  H-81″,  weight-420 Lbs